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Joomla Version: 5.1.4
PHP version: 8.3.8
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Dies ist die Demonstrationsseite für Rentalot Plus, ein Online-Buchungssystem für Ferienobjekte. Bitte lesen Sie die Einleitung zu Rentalot Plus auf unserer Hauptseite vor der Erkundung dieser Demo-Website.

You can access the back end of this site and experiment with the configuration. The database is automatically restored to its default state every hour on the hour, so nothing you change is permanent. If you experience any problems, please contact us here.

To login as admin, go here, and use the user-id "demo" and password "demo". The default language is English but several language packs are installed.

If you wish to try making a booking from the front end using a discount voucher, you may use vouchers LA001 through to LA004.

We don't receive any emails from this site, and nothing is really for sale. All names, accounts, email addresses, etc, are fictitious. You can't book any real accommodation here.